Quality . Access . Commitment


We believe that “High Quality” is a standard we maintain for the products & services we provide and extended to “Our Employees”.


Focusing on the “Patient” we utilize all our resources to provide access for patients to their treatments.


“Commitment” is our fingerprint, that applies to every stakeholder we approach. We bear the responsibility to stick to this commitment.

OnePharma Premises

OnePharma Medics has 4 well-established Offices located in selective areas to serve good coverage for all Egyptian territories and extremities.

– Head Office: Located in Cairo.

– Cairo Office: Located in Cairo, covering Greater Cairo regions.

– Delta Office: Located in Tanta, covering all Northern regions.

– Upper Egypt Office: Located in Asyut, covering all southern regions.

OnePharma Family

In OnePharma we believe that a Healthy Corporate Culture is the most important pillar in Successful Business Models, that’s why OnePharma is always focusing on investment in employee development and tailoring an internal convenient business environment where every employee can exceed his/her expected achievements.

Among a huge market of Multinational & Local Egyptian Pharmaceutical firms, OnePharma Medics was granted TOP Ranks in the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Market, achieving a highly distinguished position.

“At OnePharma we are committed to provide access for patients and society to high quality lifesaving therapeutics. We strive to satisfy unmet needs believing that High Quality extends beyond our products to people, services & wherever we step.”