Quality .. Access .. Commitment

At OnePharma we are committed to provide access for patients and society to high quality lifesaving therapeutics. We strive to satisfy unmet needs believing that High Quality extends beyond our products to people, services & wherever we step.

The OnePharma Story

(Since 2009)

OnePharma Medics was established in 2009 as a Limited Liability Company (L.L.C.) under the umbrella of Egyptian Law of investment, owned by group of investors directed by Dr. Claudy Raymond on Top Management as Chairman & Managing Director.


Foundation Phase

OnePharma foundation as a commercial agent for Mylan business in Egypt.

2010 – 2015

Establishing Business Phase

Building up a solid ground with existing portfolio & paving the way for successful business growth.

2016 – 2017

Public Involvement Phase

Positioning OnePharma at top image in National & Presidential projects at CSR concept.

2018 – 2021

Exponential Growth Phase

Leading high growth rates achieving top MKT ranks in business.

2022 To Go

More Success To Come …

Positioning products on top for expected outstanding growth and success…

Guiding Principles

At OnePharma, we recognize that our business has an impact on social issues, in particular people’s health conditions. We also, strongly believe that we can do successful business while being a good model of ethical business. This is a pre-conditin to our future growth, a growth that will be achieved along with all our stakeholders who share the same vision and ambition

Dr. Claudy Raymond | Chairman & MD

Our guiding principles when working with these issues are :

  • To gain a stronghold in the highly growing Egyptian market through focus on epidemic disease as well as through building very strong position in the antiviral, immunology and critical care health disease.
  • Partnering with Government and organizations to facilitate faster approvals and widespread in the country national programs, like Virus “ C ”, Oncology and Orphan drugs market access programs.
  • Standing out from the competitors through highlighting values, features and branding the product to create strong customer loyalty.
  • Widespread in the Bio-similars portfolio with more regulatory approvals. Those selected products to replace blockbusters and reflect big revenues with successful marketing and sales.

OnePharma Personality

Our Values:

We care to establish and spread our values on two dimensions :
Internally in our corporate culture that we maintain and communicate to all our employees .
Externally in all our communications with our stakeholders .

We believe that a successful business model can never miss our FIVE basic values:


Being a TRUST-worthy firm is above all our objectives, for which we are always committed to maintain throughout all our workflow .


Whenever we have a responsibility we are committed to deliver the highest quality at the right time .


We have no ambiguous goals as we adopt the “do what we say, say what we do” approach internally within the company and externally with our stakeholders


We bear the responsibility, as we believe we are committed to empower elevation of our industry and community .

Patient Safety

Saving lives is on top of our responsibilities, for which we set high standards for quality of products and services that we provide to the community .